two sisters. one year. a new year's resolution.

Monday, June 20, 2011

crafty shmafty

i know we don't blog as often as we'd like. i could list off all my excuses, but you know they are all lame. :) i just haven't taken the time to write.

i do think about it often though.

i am still sticking to this resolution. i may have had a slip up here or there, but not on any major or intentional purposes................  i have put a lot of things back because of this. a lot. i have also spent a lot of time emailing companies online when i can't tell where their product is made. i have gone to trying to think of only buying things handmade, &/or from thrift stores.  sometimes that isn't an option though.

current wish list item ....... wellies. classic hunter wellington boots. of course, they are the famous british rain boots. i expected them to be made in london. or scotland. well. they used to be. they are now made in china. such a disappointment.

<div style='padding-bottom: 2px; line-height: 0px'><a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border='0' width='400 height ='237'/></a></div><div style='float: left; padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;'><p style='font-size: 10px; color: #76838b;'>Source: <a style='text-decoration: underline; font-size: 10px; color: #76838b;' href=''></a> via <a style='text-decoration: underline; font-size: 10px; color: #76838b;' href='' target='_blank'>Nicole</a> on <a style='text-decoration: underline; color: #76838b;' href='' target='_blank'>Pinterest</a></p></div>

what i really wanted to talk about though is michael's and hobby lobby and joann's......... these are staples to my existence. these are my happy places. stores full of opportunity and creativity. shiny, sparkly, soft, warm, pretty things........... and almost. everything. is made in china. ugh.

this was a late revelation. i knew all the crap at walmart or dollar stores was made in china. my plan from the beginning was to make more of my own things. refashion, reuse. right? well, only recently did i realize that most the stuff at michael's, et al. is made in china. if i can't buy my own craft supplies to make my own things, what am i suppose to do? 

it has forced me to use what i already have. that is a good thing. and kind of a fun challenge. projects i've had for years are finally coming to fruition. this weekend i wanted to sew. i decided to refashion several things. all the accoutremont's are made in china. well, most. i think the elastic i finally bought at joann's was made in brazil. jewelry? forget it. all the beads and clasps and earrings and hair clips, etc ..... are made in china. i can reuse a few other things for some of these supplies, but not in the quantity that i'd like (dare i say need?)

what about buying from etsy? i'm sure that, bottom line, the supplies are still probably coming from china. but, then, at least i'm buying from an individual crafter, right? but, if i buy from michael's i'm supporting my local community. of course, it's a major chain, so even that's limited. what is the lesser of the evil's? for now, i try to buy from etsy. some days, michael's or hobby lobby or joann's does win..... mostly because of convienence. and, if i do find things at thrift or antique stores, by all means, i'll buy!!

what are your thoughts? which is your lesser evil?

happy monday.